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Transmission agency digitizes disbursement vouchers for safekeeping

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This electricity transmissions agency owns the transmission assets of the government. They had a difficulty in managing the hard copies of their financial documents, particularly disbursement vouchers with attachments. 



The Solution

SVI provided a digitization solution to address their problem. Leveraging our expertise in scanning and indexing, we were able to convert their selected paper-based finance documents into digitized records.  

The Results

​The agency can now retrieve these records in a shorter time. Since the records are now digitized, they no longer have to worry about the loss and damage of their records due to disasters and emergencies.  SVI helped this agency to focus on their work of maintaining the electricity across their region without worrying about the safety and storage of their important financial documents.

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Stock Image Collection - 2024-07-29T110443.978.jpg

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